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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: LDL Receptors, atherosclerotic plaques buildup causes arterial stenosis, 10 y/o homozygous female presents with elevated plasma cholesterol, Apo E and Apo C II from HDL attaches to nacient VLDL to become Mature VLDL, intracellular free cholesterol converted via ACAT, cholic acid, a bile acid which is excreted (~3%), Apo E on IDL or LDL bind to LDL receptor and endocytosed to combine with endosome, 10 y/o homozygous female has family history, release of SREBP binds to SRE, Golgi releases glycosylated LDL receptors to be transferred to plasma membrane in Clathrin coated pits, cholic acid, a bile acid which is reabsorbed, LDL binds to cell by LDL receptor (Apo B/E receptor, IDL releases Apo C II and Apo E to HDL, converting it to LDL, intracellular free cholesterol included in packaging of phospholipids, cholesterol, TGs and Apo B-100, Clathrin coated pits contain LDL receptors that bind Apo B-100, lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipase by removing TAGs, converts VLDL into IDL, myocardial infarction caused by LDL receptor dysfunction in 10 y/o homozygous female, microsomal transfer protein mediates packaging of phospholipids, cholesterol, TGs and Apo B-100, ER releases LDL receptors for glycosylation in Golgi, family history of atherosclerotic plaques, HMG CoA reductase inhibited by statins